Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What A Stud!

I am very pleased to inform you that, indeed, the weather man was correct! For the past two days we have been experiencing upper 60's in the mornings and upper 70's to lower 80's in the afternoon with a slight breeze. It is heaven! And to make things even better, I have seemed to have fought off my cold! I'm still recovering but i feel much better and am no longer running fever! I think this glorious weather has something to do with it, it has put me in such a light and airy mood. And this afternoon as i was driving around with my windows rolled down, my sweater snugly buttoned, i decided that this is Taylor Swift weather. Meaning, roll down the windows and crank up the Taylor Swift, and that is exactly what I did! lol
So as my Fall weather is approaching, I have been thinking about my Fall Essentials List. The most recent of these being: the perfect studded belt!
Alright, so hearing studded clothing and accessories in a conversation two or three years ago probably would have made me cringe and think of pink hair, black lipstick, and a black school girl skirt matched with these boots.
NOT so fashion forward if you ask me!

But for me, my transformation in thinking of studs was thanks to a fashion diva named miss Carrie Bradshaw!

When this leading lady paired her studded belt with her green floral dress in the one of the opening scenes in Sex And The City The Movie it was just an introduction to all the other times we would see her in similar ensembles. I fell in love with the edgy look it brought to the normally girly outfit.

It seems to me that the 'stud look' has just been evolving on both the runway and streets ever since. Here are some more awesome studded looks that i am diggin' right now!

Well excuse me for saying so but do these black Steve Maddens selling for $275.95 not look exactly like these purple booties from Charlotte Russe selling for only $29.99?! Just sayin!

So, whats holding you back!? Theres nothing not to love about this look because even the girliest of girly girls can put an edge to an outfit, and the hard core chick can have a few extra studs to sharpen her look!
So what is your verdict? Love it or hate it? Do you have the perfect Carrie Bradshaw belt? Where did you get it from? I'm just dying to know!
P.S. check out the link on Carrie's name to get the latest info on the SATC movie 2!


  1. I'm working on SATC 2 tomorrow... so excited! I loved Carrie's studded belt first time I saw it and all the wardrobe shots I've seen so far from the movie set look very promising...! :)

  2. I love the studded look. I'm still to find my perfect studded pieces though. I mean, I have some but nothing that I LOVE.

  3. Those Charlotte Russe shoes are gorg-- love when mall stores can replicate looks from the current season!

  4. the studded trend is one of my favorites from this fall. So edgy and chic, but still somehow girly when paired with bright dresses like that. That was one of my favorite outfits from the SATC movie and pretty sure I ran right out and made sure I had a belt like that of my own! I found mine at nordstrom last winter and its held up so well. It just has silver studding, and I'm kind of wishing I had one with dark rusted gold as well. sigh... anyways lovely post.


  5. i was checking out the purple studded heels today, totally thinking about getting them! I am obsessed with the steve maddens, if only.

    you live so close, panama city! how are you loving this cooler weather? FINALLY!

    look forward to reading your blog!

    xo ash
